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There are no places you can’t go, no things you can’t experience while exploring the pages of a book
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Works in progress
A book of quiet poetry
the pros and cons of being an introvert in an extrovert world
The Magic Eater
Sci fi and fantasy collide
Monsters and Mirrors
Short stories
Thriller and horror exploring the inner monster
What people say?
Kaye St. Claire writes with unique creativity fashioning new worlds and characters out of thin air. Her works are quite diverse, some feeling almost Shakespearean in nature, like the Mask of Vengeance, others, like Ascelin, more in the lines of Brothers Grimm gone novel writers. Her writing is clear and powerful, her characters well rendered, and her plots mysterious and tantalizing. She is an author I admire and hope you enjoy her works as much as I have.
— Joseph Isaacs author of Soul Hosts
Shadow of a Heart: The Leopard and Tiger
Really well constructed and extremely inventive and original, plus it made me laugh more than once. The actual characters of the animals shone from the page.
— Jack Glibert author of Of Blood and Water
Shadow of a Heart: The Leopard and Tiger
I loved that prose! I felt it was a great message told throughout the story, and the pacing was wonderful. I never thought a poetic beat could be told in story format, but this proves me wrong in a lovely way. – Bri McCalli